Personal Branding Photoshoot | Surf Coast Photographer - Tracey Spencer

Meet Tracey Spencer

Tracey is a mama, author and big-time business activator. She’s also been my coach in multiple seasons of my business, so I was THRILLED when she told me she’d be coming to Melbourne and wanted to book a shoot!

I typically advise booking a photoshoot up to a month in advance to give yourself ample time to plan, but there are always exceptions to the rule. If your brand vision is clear AF, you know exactly where you’re going + what you need to get there and have intentional visuals in mind, things can come together quickly. 💫

And that’s exactly what happened with Tracey. She was flying from Perth to Melbourne for the BYCA Awards Night (where she won the International Coach of the Year Award + Social Media Star of the Decade Award btw 💥 ) and reached out 2 weeks before arriving. It was a short trip and she only had ONE DAY available for the shoot. But the universe was on our side and things began aligning. A few voice notes back and forth and a video chat to talk about the shots were all we needed to lock it in.

We ditched the brand questionnaire and pulled together visuals, outfits, props, and a PERFECT location within two weeks. The result? Images that feel activating, spark curiosity and show Tracey’s authentic and hilarious personality grounded in who she is and how she does business differently. 👏🏼

It is such a treat to photograph this boss babe who has helped take so many of my dreams and turn them into reality. ☺️🌙

Are you a creative ready to elevate your personal brand imagery?

Get in touch via the contact form!