How to Work From Home: Top Tips for Freelancers and Remote Workers


Get S#!t Done While Working From Home

6 Tips to Help You Thrive

1) Move before you open the laptop: Get your mind and body loose and moving before you start working. I find that if I work out before I sit down I'm more focused and less prone to distractions. It clears my head and honestly, some of my best ideas come when I'm out surfing, running or doing a beach walk. I've also been digging Good Vibes Yoga  videos on You Tube.

2) Create an actual workspace: Those home offices look oh so good on Pinterest, but the reality is we're probably all working out of our living rooms or from our kitchen tables. Ask yourself a few questions like, "What area in my home is most conducive to work energy? Where is the most natural light? Where do I feel most motivated to get down to business?”  (spoiler alert it's probably not your bed). 

3) Set work hours: And actually stick to them. If you have the freedom to set your own hours, figure out when you are at your most energised and productive. I work best between 7am and 2pm. After that my brain is mush and I turn to admin type work. If you work for someone else and have set hours, honour them. Once you clock off, put your laptop and phone in a separate room so you won't be tempted to check emails. (On that note, I would disconnect your work email from your phone.) 

4) Create lists and highlight your priority: I can’t be the only one who finds checking things off my ‘to-do’ list really fun and motivating. I like to write out everything I would like to get done for the day, and then starring my top 3 priorities. What are the non-negotiable these are the things that MUST get done today? Keeping it simple with only three things to accomplish will help you from feeling overwhelmed.

4) Take breaks: I've gotten into the habit of setting a timer for 45 minutes and working straight through with no distractions, then breaking for 15 minutes to do whatever I want (snack, coffee, stretch, look up cute alpaca videos, etc). The focused time allows me to really dig into a task, knowing that my brain will get a quick reprieve at the end of it. 

5) Stop to enjoy meals: Anyone else have crumbs in between their laptop keys? Nothing is so important that we can't get 15 mins away from technology to sit and have a mindful meal in silence.

6) Silence vs Noise: If you need silence, try investing in noise-cancelling headphones.  I've got a pair of Bose that work amazing when my hubs and I are both working from the kitchen table and he's in the middle of a company meeting. If you prefer having some background noise, try light music without lyrics. I'm personally digging this French Cafe Jazz playlist on Spotify. Fair warning - you may start to daydream about a European vacation that you can't take any time soon. 

And if it’s 3 pm and you’ve had the most unproductive day EVER, don’t fret. You’re not a failure, and the day isn’t over yet.

I’ve written a post titled “How to Turn Around An Unproductive Day” that might just help you salvage the rest of the day. (And if worst comes to worst and you still can’t focus or get anything done, shut down the laptop, write out a priority list for the next day and let it go.)

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