How often should I have my brand photos taken?

Like most things in life, there's no one-size-fits-all answer for this. But there are a few things to consider and a few signs that it's time to email a brand photographer

(hint, hint, wink, wink)

  1. Your existing visuals are tired AF; everyone has seen them a million times.

    Our brains are stimulated by new information, often bypassing what we've seen. Simply put, people will stop paying attention. But it's not just your audience that might feel bored, YOU'LL probably feel bored using the same photos repeatedly.  And not feeling inspired by your visuals can make marketing your services tedious. 

2. Your business has evolved:

Maybe you've changed what you offer or added new services. Or perhaps you've changed the way you deliver it (for ex: in person vs online) If your biz has grown and expanded, it's time to update your visuals to reflect that growth. 

3. Your target audience has changed.

Your brand photos aren't just about you, they should also reach out and speak to who you want to serve. If you wanna work with new people or a different bracket of clientele, your brand imagery needs to connect with them and their desires. 

4) You've changed. 

I think we've all been in a situation where we see someone's photo on their website and then we meet them in real life and there's a huge disconnect. There's a level of confusion and our trust is tested. If you look and feel different, and it doesn't match your current brand photos - update, update, update. This is not about vanity, it's about ensuring a consistent experience and presence across your brand. 

5) You're ramping up your marketing.

- If you're diversifying your marketing efforts and sharing your services/products via your website, social media, newsletters, blogs, collaborations, podcasts, etc - you're going to find that you need more visuals to help your efforts. (see #1) 

Ready to book your personal branding shoot? Email me at or head to the contact form.