5 Ways To Ground Your Energy Before a Photoshoot

1. Create Space in Your Schedule:

A lot of thought, preparation, and energy go into planning a photoshoot. The anticipation of stepping behind the lens and allowing yourself to be seen can bring up a lot of emotions. It’s not uncommon to end the shoot feeling “high” and buzzy, or oppositely, feeling like you need a nap!

Clear out your calendar a few hours before, and a few hours after your shoot. Give yourself (and your nervous system) time to unwind and relax. If possible, don’t plan meetings or give yourself tasks that require a lot of brainpower.

2) Journal Your Emotions:

Feel the release of thoughts and anxiety as you put pen to paper and do a giant brain dump. End with a few positive affirmations that make you feel calm, confident, and fueled with self-belief. I’ve given a few examples below but work with words that feel true and resonate for you.

  • “I believe in my abilities and express my true self with ease”

  • “I have the power to do the most incredible things”

  • “I attract success by being my authentic self”

  • “I’m radiant with confidence, certainty and optimism”

3) Plan Ahead:

Create a list of everything you need for the shoot including your outfits, props, snacks, etc. Go through the list and pack the night before the shoot so you’re not running around last minute and worrying if you’ve forgotten something. Check Google Maps the night before as well and make sure you know how much time it’ll take you to get to the photoshoot location. Allocate extra time by setting your alarm to leave earlier than what you need in case there’s traffic. Also, make sure you have the photographer’s number in case you need to get a hold of them on the day!

4) Eat a Nourishing Meal:

The type (and quantity) of food you eat pre-shoot will have a huge impact on how energetic or tired you'll feel during the shoot. You don't want to feel stuffed, but you also don't want to skip out on a meal and be running on nothing but a coffee. Choose something nutrient-rich with a few good fats (ex: avocado, nuts, seeds) to help keep you full. Veggie bowls, a smoothie with adequate protein, or eggs and avocado on toast are great options. I like to keep trail mix or dried fruit in my car in case I get peckish and need a quick energy boost.

5) Arrive Early:

Get to the photoshoot location 15-20 minutes early so you can take a moment to close your eyes and focus on your breath. Turn on some mantra music if that helps calm your nerves or listen to a relaxing meditation.