Personal Branding Photoshoot | Torquay Photographer: Bedford & Grove Oils

Meet Laura

Laura runs Bedford and Grove Oils which helps families learn how to use Young Living essential oils.

For her personal branding shoot, we got a mix of portraits (to show the woman behind the brand) and candid imagery of her working with her oils. Some examples of her products include rollers, room sprays, and non-toxic cleaning supplies. Every room in her house has a diffuser going with a blend of yummy smelling oils!

Laura works from home, in the cutest studio she set up in the back of her house. It’s where she goes to host classes, make rollers and send samples, make travel plans, drink wine, draw with the kids (and hide from the kids). It was the perfect backdrop for her personal branding shoot.

Chloe Thornton - Registered Nurse, Midwife, Postpartum Doula and Hypnobirthing Australia practitioner residing in Geelong, Australia.
Registered Nurse, Midwife, Postpartum Doula and Hypnobirthing Australia practitioner residing in Geelong, Australia.

Do you need fresh brand imagery for your website and socials? Head to the contact page to send me a message. Let’s talk about your vision!