Motivation Monday : Goal Setting for 2014


Instead of resolving to do something or not do something on January 1st, I create a new list of goals to keep me moving forward and developing in the new year.  I aim to focus on the process of manifestation- what you think about you bring about <Law of Attraction in action!> So here are a few of my goals for 2014! What do you have brewing for the new year?

2014 Goals

For more inspiration and advice on creating your own goals- click here!

1) $0 balance on all my accounts + transferring a percentage of my paycheck each week to savings. Just say NO to the unnecessary buys and grow little piggy bank grow!

2) Visit 5 National Parks

3) Find my yoga studio and community. I miss you Open Space!

4) Surprise Jared once a month

5) Neelakantha Meditation twice a day

6) Road trip down the Oregon Coast

7) Send out a handwritten letter once a week

8) Enter and finish a trail run race

9) Dedicate  a weekend to learning the best farming techniques from Papa Carvitto

10) No technology one day a week

I would love to hear your goals//resolutions and what you're excited about in 2014!