Modern Muse: Prism & Sol


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt 

Prism & Sol

Designs inspired by the elements: Earth, Sun, Sky & Ocean 

Communication with Linda, the creative behind Prism & Sol began when I was one week out from leaving Hawaii and she was already 7 months into her road trip on the mainland. After ten years on Maui, Linda and her fiancé decided to switch gears and left the islands in search of mountain towns, cold rivers, road trips, backpacking adventures, and a new perspective.  Starting their trip in San Francisco (with their 80 lb pup in tow), the three of them ventured down California, through the souther states and back up the Atlantic Coast, finally taking some respite in Vermont.  A conversation that began with questions regarding her stunning  jewelry line quickly flowed and weaved into more personal discussion on everything from moving, faith, transitions and living in the present.Prism & Sol

Let's rewind a few years back… finding a muddy box full of beading materials underneath her porch, Linda began creating jewelry for herself and eventually took classes to further her craft.  Receiving encouraging feedback on her choice of hobby, she started selling her gems in the bikini shop she was managing and  shifting more energy into production.  Fast forward to launching her first collection in spring of April 2013, Linda has watched Prism & Sol transform from a small grassroots idea , to being featured in popular fashion blogs and receiving shout outs from talented well known designers.

Prism & Sol

I hope I don't make it sound like she fell asleep one night and woke up to success, because it hasn't come without sacrifice and stepping out of her comfort zone (hence the 8 month road trip!) And while the adventure began as part of a search to the question of where to settle down, the trip encompassed more lessons than Linda could have imagined, and did eventually answer their question (Linda and her fiancé are now back in Maui.) While the trip didn't lead to a permanent switch in location, Linda is thankful for the temporary change of scenery and learned to embrace and not resist change.  Taking residence in a quintessential cabin in an isolated mountain area, the quiet time allowed her to set up a home studio and put more energy into creating.  Happy to be pouring her passion into Prism & Sol, she advises fellow female entrepreneuers to get clear about their own visions and dreams. Ask yourself, "What does it look like coming into fruition?"  Then start moving, taking little and realistic steps to get there.  Moreover, BELIEVE in your ability to fulfill those dreams.  Putting yourself out there to the world is scary, but take that leap of faith and walk self-assured.

Moving forward, Linda is most excited about re-grounding in Maui, getting back to the surf, and seeing how Prism & Sol evolves.  I personally love seeing the prosperity of Linda and Prism because of the undeniable affection and work that goes into everything she creates. [She confessed she falls in love with every piece she makes] which makes owning one of her creations even that more special. Be on the lookout for Prism & Sol's second collection coming soon!

Prism & Sol

["Prism + Sol jewelry is our passion project; created out of love and designed with nature in mind.  We hand craft each piece in our little jungle studio on the North shore of Maui.  Silver + gold, gemstones + crystals, seashells + beach glass combine to create feminine and simple, yet bold and eye-catching designs.  Drawing from the ocean, the jungle, and our adventures on the road, we have created a versatile collection - appealing to beach+babes, gypsies, and free spirits alike."]

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Prism & Sol

<<All photos courtesy of Prism & Sol>>