Aloha Friday : Modern Muse


Hawaii Photoshoot

"This is about Beauty.  The beauty you exude from within and the beauty you surround yourself with.  My dears, the goddess radiates beauty everywhere she walks. Your piece is to create it all around you…" 

I've had the opportunity to meet and work with a number of talented women in a variety of industries {photographers, designers, business owners,  giant goal setters, free-spirit travelers, entrepreneurs, outdoor fanatics}….. all around kind, conscious beauties with creative energy surging from their spirits.  Their goals and ambitions have touched and  inspired me to continue going after my own.  I feel a deep purpose to share these stories and emphasize the reoccurring themes of <passion and commitment> that lead to their success.  My intention is to feature these dynamic  soul sisters via "Forever Stoked" and help spread their message, promote their gifts and  support them in their future endeavors. :)

Introducing --> <<Modern Muse>> 

….a space dedicated to the positive, transformational women with their feet on the Earth, head in the clouds and ambitious hearts spreading light.

I'm excited to start rolling out the interviews and articles… but for now, Happy Aloha Friday and have a blessed weekend! Mahalo nui xo